Sneak Peek of Splitwise 2.0

Have you ever wanted to use Splitwise to split a dinner bill, or a drink that you bought for someone outside your apartment? In Splitwise 2.0, you can! The preview version (version 1.9) is live in the iPhone App Store today (Android version coming as soon as possible).

Up till now, we’ve been very focused on housemates and roommates, but we’ve always felt that Splitwise was a bigger concept than just that. Want to figure out whose turn it is to buy lunch? Just take a glance at your list of friendships.

The “Add Expense” flow has been dramatically improved. Just press the + button in the bottom left corner, and you’ll see an “add drawer” pop up. It takes 3 taps to record a payment and close out a debt, with no typing necessary.  “I owe” and “I’m owed” are useful if someone lends you cash or spots you for a meal, instead of having to divide a bill into shares. “Divide A Bill” works with many individuals – you don’t even have to create a group!

In order to make it clear which relationship you are dealing with, we moved Quick-Add into the first row of each house or relationship, so it’s clear where you’re adding the expense. No need to go double check which house you had selected any more! We’re always tuning quick-add with each entry you submit, so even if we couldn’t figure out what you meant today, we’ll do better next time.

Expenses added to each relationship will be visible on the web, but only in the preview of the new interface (the old site and Android app still work, but only the new interface supports individual friendships).

If you’re an iPhone user, go download it today! We’re constantly improving, so please send comments to for the next version.

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