Roommate Tips, Part 5 of Infinity

Yes, “top lists” of hackneyed roommate advice are a dime a dozen. But I enjoyed the irreverent tone of this blog post from BestCollegesOnline, which helps manage expectations for roommates who are interested in weapons, illegal drugs, open relationships, and nudity.

My favorite pieces-of-actual-wisdom:

  • “Exchange emergency numbers before hand.” This is an-easy-to-forget piece of common sense.
  • “If someone makes your roommate uncomfortable, don’t invite them over.” Indeed.
  • “Settle up finances” and “pay bills on time.” What blog are you reading, again?
  • “Wear clothes in common areas.” I always struggle with this one…

Attention iPhone users: do not update to Splitwise v1.6 [UPDATE: fixed]

Hi Splitwise users,

On Friday afternoon we discovered a serious stability bug in the latest version of Splitwise for iOS (v1.6, posted to the App Store earlier that day). We have already submitted a bug-fix update to the App Store, which is currently awaiting approval. In the meantime, we strongly encourage that existing users do not upgrade to v1.6 until the bug-fix has been released. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience.

The bug affects users who upgrade from v1.5 to v1.6. Users who upgrade may experience crashes that make the app unusable. If you have already upgraded to v1.6, you should be able to fix these errors by un-installing and re-installing the app. This has been confirmed to work on multiple devices, but please comment below or email us at if you have further issues, and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Note that these crashes do not cause any data loss – all of your information is still safe in our databases, and available via our web interface at

Updated: This has been resolved. See our follow up post.


Court Allows Discrimination in Roommate Selection

One of my passions is to help people be fair to their roommates. But how fair are you required to be to your potential roommates? is a popular roommate finding site, which allows you to search for roommates based on sex, age, sexual orientation, and family status. Is this fair? The Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley thought not, and the case landed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Continue reading Court Allows Discrimination in Roommate Selection

Mystery solved! The secret of Excel curved line interpolation

Excel Interpolation: A Black Box No Longer

Have you ever wondered what formula Excel uses to make its “curved line” scatter plots? I have!

Admittedly, this sounds like an odd thing to wonder about. But it’s actually a super-practical question: what if you want to approximate an intermediate point along the curve you have just plotted? For some reason, Excel hides this formula from you, and according to my source post, Microsoft has left this formula a black-box and given users no access to it. WTF, mate. Continue reading Mystery solved! The secret of Excel curved line interpolation

Rent your furniture instead of buying?

Hate dealing with furniture?

While the Splitwise furniture calculator can help you deal with buying shared furniture (and who gets to keep it when you move out), the hassle of shopping for and hauling furniture is definitely one of the worst parts of moving. An article in SF Gate last week mentions an interesting new service called CORT which will help you rent all the furniture in your apartment all at once. Continue reading Rent your furniture instead of buying?

Splitwise’s Updated Quick-Add Feature

Now live on Splitwise (and within your Splitwise iPhone or Android app) is a big update to our favorite little Splitwise feature: Quick-Add. This feature makes it really easy to add in new shared expenses, payments, loans, and IOUs!

Now with English verbs!

Continue reading Splitwise’s Updated Quick-Add Feature

Happy MLK Day From Splitwise

Today is a celebration of America’s greatest champion for fairness, who would have turned 83 this year. Even if you are working today (as we are here at Splitwise) and not taking the day off, there’s always time to read and reflect on what the day stands for:

  • MLK’s Wikipedia article. While Martin Luther King is best remembered for his achievements in Civil Rights, he was also an advocate for economic justice and fairness for the poor.
  • Google Doodle for MLK day. This link also has a flashback to Google’s earlier tributes.
  • CNN’s coverage including some Obama quotes and added context.