Totals on Android + Introducing Apoorv!

Splitwise for Android v 3.6.5 introduces spending totals for groups. We’re thrilled about this for two reasons: one, totals have been our Android community’s most popularly requested feature for a while now. Two, it marks the first time our users are seeing Apoorv’s work in action! Apoorv Khatreja is Splitwise’s newest mobile engineer. He joined the team in October 2015 and is presently focusing on Android. We love having Apoorv on board and can’t think of a better way for our Android users to ‘meet’ him.

To access spending totals for your groups, navigate to the relevant group screen and tap the ‘vertical dots’ icon in the upper right hand corner of the group screen. Then tap ‘View spending totals’.

The resulting totals screen answers three important questions: How much did our group spend, in total? How much did I pay for, in total? And finally: How much do I owe, in total? You can see this information across three time periods: all time, this month, and last month. For now we are only summing across expenses added in your default currency. We recognize this may make the feature suboptimal for folks who are using Splitwise for foreign travel expenses. As a work-around for now you can temporarily change your default currency from your account settings screen.

Another enhancement introduced in 3.6.5 is the ability to zoom in on image uploads.

Published by

Zoe Chaves

Product Manager at Splitwise.

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