Splitwise’s Halloween Horror Story Contest Winner

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the winner of the Splitwise’s roommate horror story contest. Though, this isn’t as much about a person as much as it is about a place. This guy was lucky to get out of here alive, and he’s a much better man than me. This apartment “13 Horror street” sounds like it should be featured on some sort of reality TV show.

Continue reading Splitwise’s Halloween Horror Story Contest Winner

Halloween Horror Roommate Contest – Runners Up

Splitwise asked for your best roommate horror story, and boy did people deliver! Our inbox filled with some insane situations, some so bad and horrific we couldn’t even print them. The stories ranged from tales of simple social awkwardness to straight up sociopathic. Thankfully we were able to live through those situations second-hand, and not have to actually experience any of it ourselves. The challenge to find the winner was difficult … but kind of fun.

We’ll save the winning roommate horror story for tomorrow, but here are the runners-up.

Continue reading Halloween Horror Roommate Contest – Runners Up

Halloween Costumes That Don’t Cost an Arm and a Leg

Halloween is right around the corner, and chances are you’ll need a costume. This year people will spend 2.5 billion dollars on costumes alone.  You can grab something pre-made at your local costume shop, but costumes out of a bag are usually overpriced and lame.

I came to this conclusion while searching for costumes online. I was flabbergasted at the amount of “sexy” costumes made for women. The most ridiculous being a “Sexy Ghostbuster” costume. Everyone knows that you can’t carry a Proton Pack in daisy dukes. The heat generated on use would instantly scorch and destroy the back of your legs. Do these people not understand Science?

Continue reading Halloween Costumes That Don’t Cost an Arm and a Leg

Don’t Forget! Enter our Halloween Roommate Horror Story Contest

Don’t forget to send in your roommate horror story submission for our Halloween contest to ask@splitwise.com.

We’ve got some amazing submissions so far, but we want more! Do you think your horrible roommate experience can top the competition? The horror story can encompass anything involving roommates: money, personal hygiene, bad habits, theft, ect.

Get your submissions in before October 25th to qualify for our contest.

Splitwise Halloween Contest: A Quest for the Best Roommate Horror Story

Have you ever lived with someone so terrible that you couldn’t ever forget the horror that ensued? I sure have, and I’m sure many of you have too. Here at Splitwise we get some pretty good stories about the insanity that goes on behind closed doors, and it gave us a great idea. Since Halloween is coming up, we wanted to have a contest of who has had the most horrific roommate experience.

Now obviously this isn’t a Postsecret situation, and I don’t want any stories that cross the line of legality too much. It can be about anything: money, personal hygiene, bad habits, theft, ect.

Send me an email at ask@splitwise.com with your tale of woe about that insane roommate situation you’ve lived through. I’ll post the top 3 on October 30th, anonymity is completely up to you.